February half term is here and the winter break is the perfect opportunity for families to reconnect, explore and make lasting memories. Whether you’re looking to stay cosy indoors or venture out into the chilly countryside, there’s no shortage of fun activities to try. Here’s a selection of indoor and outdoor ideas guaranteed to keep both kids and parents entertained this February half term.
Indoor Activities
When the rain clouds roll in or the wind picks up, there’s still plenty to do indoors. These activities will ignite creativity and keep little minds busy.
1. Create a Treasure Hunt
Set up a treasure hunt around the house with simple clues and little “prizes”. It’s a wonderful mix of problem-solving and adventure that kids absolutely love!
2. DIY Wind Chimes
Recycle items from around the house or use sticks and treasures from your winter walk to create whimsical wind chimes. Hang them by a window and listen to them sing in the breeze.
3. Baking Perfection
Put on your aprons and enjoy baking together as a family. From cupcakes to cookies, there’s nothing quite like the smell of something delicious straight out of the oven.
4. Get Moving Indoors
Create your own family-friendly exercise routine or practise some yoga together. Make it even more exciting by filming your routine to share with friends or challenge them to follow along.
5. Painted Pebbles
Transform ordinary stones into little works of art. Use paints to create characters, patterns or miniature masterpieces—it’s a simple but hugely satisfying activity.
6. Weather Watch
Set up your own weather station! Make a simple rain gauge to measure how much rain falls over the week, and record daily weather observations with your kids. It’s a great way to inspire budding meteorologists!
Outdoor Adventures
Wrap up warm and head into the great outdoors! These fresh-air adventures will help your family connect with nature and enjoy the beauty of February’s crisp winter days.
1. Woodland Walks and Snowdrops
Take a stroll through your local woods and keep an eye out for winter wonders like snowdrops. Bring a camera to capture the seasonal scenes and start your own seasonal photography project to watch how your favourite spots transform over time.
2. Build a Stone Tower
Challenge each other to build the tallest balanced tower of stones. It’s trickier than it looks, but so rewarding when you manage an impressive creation without it toppling over!
3. Magic Wand Crafts
Collect sticks, leaves, and other natural treasures from your walk and turn them into “magic wands” at home. Add a touch of glitter for extra sparkle!
4. Birdwatching
Spend some time spotting and counting birds in your garden or during your walks. Keep a notebook handy to jot down how many different types you see.
5. Fly a Kite
Catch the winter breezes with a kite! Whether you make your own or bring along one you already have, it’s a timeless activity that’s always a hit with children.
6. Night-Time Explorer Walks
Brave the evening chill with a night-time walk (with an adult, of course!). Bring torches to see what nocturnal creatures you can find and enjoy the magical stillness of winter nights.
7. Pooh Sticks Bridge Racing
Head to a nearby stream or river and play stick races, also known as “Pooh Sticks.” Each family member drops a stick from one side of the bridge and watches them race to the other side – simple yet endlessly entertaining.
8. Climb a Hill
Head for the hillside and enjoy the rewarding views at the top. Don’t forget to pack a thermos of hot chocolate as a treat when you reach the summit!
9. Help Wildlife with a Hedgehog House
Give back to nature by crafting a hedgehog house for these spiky friends. It’s a brilliant winter project that helps local wildlife stay safe and cosy.
10. Feed the Ducks
Grab some duck-friendly food (like seeds or sweetcorn) and head to a local pond. Feeding the ducks is always a favourite activity for little ones—and adults, too!
Make the Most of Your Half Term
With so many exciting activities to choose from, February half term can be a time of discovery, creativity, and connecting with nature. Remember, it’s all about spending quality time together as a family. Have a magical half term!
Further Reading: How to Create the Perfect Valentine’s Day on a Budget, Foraging in January: A Winter’s Treasure Hunt